Thursday, May 28, 2015

More Vacation

On Tuesday, May 26th, I had another CT Scan.  The last one of these was done in January, a little over four months ago.  We learned the results along with blood work results the next day during our visit with Dr. Gilcrease at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

The latest scan showed that the spots had again reduced in size compared with that last scan.  Nothing new showed up.  The tumor marker blood test was reduced also.  In general, things had improved again over these past four months, and only two of those months involved chemotherapy.  With this good news, Dr. Gilcrease said we could go another month without any chemo infusions.  We will test my blood again in a month for the tumor marker and make another decision at that time.

With the Colorado grandkids (Beth's)
I've appreciated the time off of chemo as it has helped me to increase my energy level which, in turn, increased my general activity.  Over the past couple of weeks we traveled so see all our grandkids in Colorado and New Mexico, plus we were able to attend a wedding and reception in Idaho.  

During these visits and also at other times, I have been reminded of the many people supporting me in this.  I appreciate so much the prayers, thoughts, phone calls, text messages, and emails.  It really helps to keep my attitude positive.  Dr. Gilcrease reminded me of the importance of that positive attitude as we go through the treatments.  Thanks so much to family, friends, and neighbors for being part of my tremendous support system.