Sunday, March 13, 2016

More and More Chemo

Since the last post, I've had two more chemotherapy infusions: one on March 4th and another on March 11th.  I also saw the doctor on March 4th.  I asked the doctor if he thought the ache in my side would subside and the cough would go away with the chemotherapy and he said it definitely should. He expects I'll notice a difference when this cycle is done. We're scheduled for cycles into May now. We'll do another CT scan in a few weeks.

Also on the 4th, I signed paperwork to get the gene mapping started.  That is supposed to take about two weeks so we'll know that information by the next doctor appointment. At the end of the day, we were approved for 100% funding -- that big bill is going to be covered by Medicare, the supplemental insurance, or by "Foundation Medicine".  If you're interested in the details of why we are doing this gene mapping, the website for Foundation Medicine has more details on that.  In general it will give us the targeted options for exactly the type of cancer that I have.  It's like moving from a shotgun to a rifle shot.

The chemo side effects are a bit different this time compared with a year ago.  Last time, the cancer fatigue slowly built up over the 19 separate infusions.  This time, it all came back at once after the very first infusion.  I'm just tired, with a kind of fatigue I have never experienced from just being busy.  It just never really goes away, no matter how much rest I get.  Oh well -- the time gained is worth it.

I continue to be amazed and thankful for my strong and broad support system.  Of course Kath and my kids lead that group.  Friends and family from across the country and neighbors here are also a big part of it.  A text, e-mail, phone call, drop by visit, or other thoughtful gesture means a lot and I am humbled by your support.  Thanks again.