Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Last Friday we had a bi-monthly visit to our oncologist, Dr. Gilcrease, at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.  It was just a blood draw for the cancer tumor marker and a short visit with the doctor.

The bloodwork results would not be back for 24 hours (which meant Monday).  Dr. Gilcrease asked the usual questions.  He reminded me to be as active as possible and said that it would be fine to schedule bloodwork again in three months and to see him again in six months.  Of course, he reminded us that if anything changes in how I feel, to schedule something sooner.  I mentioned to him that it was great to have more "chemo vacation" and he said we should call it "chemo holiday" as it implies more positivity and celebration.  As he was leaving, he said it was even okay to say that I am in remission from cancer.  I questioned him asking if it was okay to use that word and he reiterated it was okay to say.

On Monday we got the result of the bloodwork.  The CA19-9 tumor marker was 20.  This is a really good result and in the range of a person without any cancer at all.

While it may take years to truly believe you have survived cancer, this was great news.  I know that I owe a large debt of gratitude to so many family and friends for their thoughts, prayers, e-mails, text messages, visits and availability -- whenever and for whatever.  I especially thank Kath for all she has sacrificed to be my main support, for my children and grandchildren for their constant caring, and for the many friends and family members who keep track of how I'm doing.  Thanks so much -- it directly relates to my positive attitude which is one of the keys for cancer patients.

It's been a tough fourteen months, but things are definitely looking up.  Thanks again.


  1. I appreciate the "victory laps" ... hope we keep walking each and every day!!!

  2. This is wonderful news. What a blessing! We continue to pray for your health, and for others in our family, Max.

  3. Max, I don't know you, but I have known Beth for many years. I have been following along with your journey, and praying for you. To hear (well, read!) this news about your remission is fantastic, and I am rejoicing with you today! May God continue to bless you and may your remission never end! :)

  4. That's great news, Max! We all continue to keep you in our prayers here at the County.
